Hari ini saya akan membahas cara meningkatkan rating website anda dengan menggunakan TotalPing. Untuk cara menggunakannya sangat simple, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
- Pertama, anda hanya perlu masuk ke TotalPing (klik saja).
- Tunggu sampai selesai, maka akan keluar tulisan "OK. All pings have been sent.".
- Selanjutnya pilih More Widget, pilihlah widget yang anda sukai dan copy code html-nya.
- Kemudian paste di website anda.
Berikut sejumlah service yang didukung oleh TotalPing dan hasil ping saya :
Service | Ping Status ... | |
your atom/rss. | Thanks for the ping. | |
PostRank | Invalid response XML. | |
Feedburner.com | Successfully pinged | |
My Yahoo.com | Successfully pinged. | |
Syndic8.com | Thanks! | |
Ping-O-Matic | Pings being forwarded to 14 services! | |
Weblogs.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
Icerocket.com | Thanks for the Ping! | |
BlogDigger | Thanks! We've added ... and will begin crawling shortly. | |
Blo.gs | Ping timed out. | |
FeedBlitz.com | Thank you for the ping. | |
Newsgator.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
GeoURL.org | Thanks! We'll check your website within a few minutes. | |
Spinn3r.com | Successfully pinged. | |
Blogsearch Google | Thanks for the ping. | |
Bing.com | Successfully pinged. | |
Sindice.com | No pinged. | |
Popdex | Successfully pinged. | |
Blogstreet.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
NewsIsFree.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
Twingly.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
Tailsweep.com | Ping timed out. | |
Odiogo.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
Kutsulog.net | Thanks for the ping. | |
Blog-search.net | Successfully pinged. | |
Pingoo.jp | Thanks for the ping. | |
Blogblogs.com.br | Invalid response XML. | |
Fc2.com | Thanks for your ping. | |
Blogstyle.jp | Thanks for the ping | |
Maplog.jp | Thanks for the ping. | |
Feedsky.com | Successfully pinged. | |
Zhuaxia.com | success | |
MyBlog.jp | Thanks for the Ping!! | |
Blog.goo.ne.jp | Thanks for the ping. | |
Audio Weblogs.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
Veneblogs.com | Mmmmm you're not registred at veneblogs.com (http://share-pengalaman.blogspot.com) | |
Blogalaxia.com | Successfully pinged. | |
Bloggernetz.de | Successfully pinged. | |
Baidu.com | Thanks for the ping. | |
BlogsColombia.com | Ping enviado | |
Bitacoras.com | El ping no es válido porque la bitácora no figura en el directorio de Bitacoras.com, pero puedes darte de alta manualmente en http://bitacoras.com. | |
Wasalive.com | Thanks for the ping on WASAlive! | |
Blogpeople.net | Thanks for the ping. | |
Yandex.ru | Thanks for the ping. | |
TusNoticiasDeActualidad | Gracias por el ping. | |
Catapings.cat | Not Found. | |
Reader Livedoor.com | Thanks for the ping | |
Bloggerei.de | Ping succeed! | |
xianguo.com | Thanks for the ping. |
Karena TotalPing melakukan ping ke sejumlah link service diatas, maka website anda akan mendapatkan index dari sejumlah service diatas. Hasilnya, rating website anda akan meningkat drastis.
Sekian info dari saya, selamat mencoba teman.
Referensi :
:)) :)] ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))
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